Review- Never Let Me Go

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

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I picked this book up from the Barnes and Noble “must reads” sections. It was stacked next to 1984A Clockwork Orange, and Beloved. Therefore, I expected a high-quality story from Ishiguro; and that is what I got.

Before I read books, I usually go through the top reviews on Goodreads so I know what I’m getting myself into. For Never Let Me go, all of the reviews say that it’s better to start this book without knowing any plot background or spoilers. This was a little irritating, especially because the story begins without explaining anything to the reader. Now, I’m very glad I had no idea what this book was about because it probably would have ruined it for me.

Therefore, I am not going to give this novel a full review. I gave it 4.5/5 stars and really enjoyed it. The book is quite short and makes for an easy read that can even be finished in about 2 sittings. I understand why this book was put in a section with “classics” and am happy to have it on my shelf at home.

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